Selasa, 28 Februari 2017

Dumping Syndrome Diet: What to Choose and What to Avoid

Posted by Anonim on Selasa, 28 Februari 2017

Dumping syndrome diet is a diet treatment to relieve patients from dumping syndrome. Patients who had gastric surgery often feel uncomfortable in their stomach after eating certain foods. The uncomfortable feeling is often followed by other symptoms such as sweating, rapid heartbeat, flushing, and nausea. By applying dumping syndrome diet, the patients not only can control the symptoms, but they also can control their weight. Seeing this, therefore, we are going to learn more about what recommended foods to eat and what to avoid. Have a look.

The causes dumping syndrome and the symptoms

Dumping Syndrome Diet: What to Choose and What to Avoid

After surgery, the digestive system is not strong enough to regulate movement of foods like it used to. So, the foods often dumped rapidly into the small intestine. Getting foods so suddenly makes small intestine stretch and pull out the water from the bloodstream. Thus, patients would feel fullness and abdominal cramps after eating. Small intestine also release hormone that cause blood pressure and blood sugar level swing too quickly.

The symptoms of dumping syndrome are divided into two phases, the early phase and the late phase. The early phase may happen up to one hour after eating, while the late phase may happen about 1-3 hours after taking meals. The duration for each phases is varied. It can be more or less than an hour. The common symptoms of dumping syndrome include:
  • Abdominal cramps
  • A feeling of fullness
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Palpitation 
  • Loss of concentration
  • Hungry

Dumping syndrome diet

Dumping syndrome diet help patients reducing the symptoms as well as controlling the weight.

Foods to choose
  • Bread, rice, pasta, unsweetened cereals
  • Soup, eaten one hour after solid foods. Make sure the soup is not too hot to eat. 
  • All fresh fruits
  • Unsweetened canned fruits or frozen fruits
  • Fruit juice, drunk one hour after eating foods
  • Milk, drunk one hour after meals
  • Plain yoghurt
  • Proteins such as meat, fish, poultry, cheese, beans, legumes, and eggs
  • All vegetables
  • Fats and condiments such as butter, salt, and spices are safe to eat
  • Sugar-free beverages, drunk one hour after meals
  • Sugar-free snacks and desserts

Foods to avoid
  • Sweetened cereals
  • Pancakes with syrup
  • Soup that eaten with solid foods 
  • Sweetened canned fruits or frozen fruits
  • Milkshake
  • Sweetened yoghurt
  • Sweetened beverages, for examples, soda and lemonade
  • Candy
  • Chocolate
  • Sugar
  • Cakes and cookies
  • Syrup, jelly, and ice cream

Other tips of dumping syndrome diet
  • Eat your meals in small portion, but take frequently.
  • Avoid taking any liquids while eating. Drink your liquids at least 30 minutes after meals.
  • Lie down after eating to reduce the movement of foods in the stomach. 
  • Don’t take any foods that are too cold or too hot. Medium temperature is recommended. 
  • Avoid any sugar and sugary foods. 
  • Consult to your doctors or nutritionists before you do dumping syndrome diet. 

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